Saturday, July 29, 2006

Paving the Way: Syed Qutb :D

Paving the Way
Ustadh Sheikh Syed Qutb as-Shaheed (Rahimahullah)

Before a Muslim steps into the battlefield, he has already fought a great battle within himself against Satan- against his own desires and ambitions, his personal interests and inclinations, the interests of his own family and of his nation; against anything which is not from Islaam; against every obstacle which comes into the way of worshipping Allah and the implementation of the Divine authority on earth, returning this authority to Allah and taking it away from the rebellious usurpers.

Those who say that Islamic Jihaad was merely for the defence of the 'home land of Islaam' diminish the greatness of the Islaamic way of life and consider it less important than their 'homeland'. This is not the Islamic point of view, and their view is a creation of modern age and is completely alien to Islaamic consciousness. What is acceptable to Islaamic consciousness is its belief, the way of life which this belief prescribes, and the society which lives according to this way of life. The soil of the homeland has, in itself, no value or weight. From the Islaamic point of view, the only value which the soil can achieve is because on that soil Allah's authority is established and Allah's guidance is followed; and thus it becomes a fortress for the belief, a place for its way of life to be entitled the 'homeland of Islaam', a centre for the movement for the total freedom of man.

Ofcourse, in that case the defence of the 'homeland of Islaam' is the defence of the Islaamic beliefs, the Islaamic way of life, and the Islaamic community. However, it's defence is not the ultimate objective of the Islamic movement of Jihaad but it is a mean of establishing the Divine authority within it so that it becomes the headquarters for the movement of Islaam, which is then to be carried throughout the earth to the whole of mankind, as the object of this religion is all humanity and its sphere of action is the whole earth.

As we have described earlier, there are many practical obstacles in the establishing Allah's rule on earth, such as the power of state, the social system and traditions and, in general, the whole human environment. Islaam uses force only to remove these obstacles so that there may not remain any wall between Islaam and individual human beings, and so that it may address their hearts and minds after releasing them from these material obstacles and then leave them free to choose to accept or reject it.

We ought not to be deceived or embarrassed by the attacks of the orientalists on the origin of Jihaad, nor lose self-confidence under the pressure of present conditions and the weight of the great powers of the world to such an extent that we try to find reasons for Islaamic Jihad outside the nature of this religion, and try to show that it was a defensive measure under temporary conditions. The need for Jihaad remains, and will continue to remain, whether these conditions exist or not!


Blogger Amat ar-Rahmaan said...

Jazaakillaahu Khayran Niggety.: )

10:38 PM  
Blogger green-birds said...

waiyyaki khayral jazaa' miggety :D

10:59 PM  
Blogger kronleo said...

what a read ;)

2:25 PM  

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