Thursday, October 05, 2006

for those upon the creed

My brothers -- the minority, the destitude, the eccentric, the scattered...

I swear by Allah, one of you is worth more than hundreds of the so-called Islamists, the laymen, and the majority... both in Allah's scale, then that of the Believers.

Why? You carry the faith of Tawheed and Walaa' & Baraa'... These deeds of the heart, are worth much more than all obligatory and voluntary deeds. These deeds of the heart manifest themselves upon the tongue and limbs, unless a real obstacle prevents such manifestation. These deeds are the most important obligations, since they are the manifested meaning of "Laa Ilaaha Illallaah", which most of the Muslims have abandoned implementing truthfuly.

You see most of Ahlul-Bida' excited about the "best" deeds they do, most of which being innovations... So you see the modernists excited about compromising Islam for the desires of the Crusaders... You see the Ikhwan excited about gaining seats in parliaments...

Then my brother sits confused and doubtful... What are my good deeds?

My brother, you carry the greatest, good deed that the Jews and Christians all envy and hate you for... "Laa Ilaaha Illallaah" -- as it should be declared and practiced. You carry this declaration in your heart and upon your tongue, holding to its meaning, rejecting all attempts of compromise and dilution. You carry it in your actions by the pinnacle of Islam, when such is granted to you.

Is this not a good deed? Should you not feel thankful to your Lord that He blessed you, mercifully, with this deed?

If the whole universe were placed upon one palm of a scale, and this declaration upon the other, this declaration would outweight it! Your deeds are direct and explicit manifestations of this declaration... and thus heavier and loftier. So do not look to those around you from the compromising Muslims and their lusty self-assurance... Their deeds will be dispersed by the wind like dust.

As for your heavy deed, remain firm upon it, relying upon your Lord and supplicating Him, making this declaration -- its meaning and implications -- sincerely to Him.

By Allah, some of the younger brothers upon this Da'wah, be they 19 or younger, although having never manifested Tawheed via the pinnacle of Islam, they still have outdone their competitors in good deeds... by the actions of their hearts and tongues.

By Allah, I love one of you more than mountains upon mountains of your competitors from Ahul-Bida'. Your faith! Your faith! It is the decisive factor... It is why the Crusaders hate you. They do not hate so much your competitors, since they are willing to compromise even the fundamentals of Islam. But you! You are a "fundamentalist." You will never say Islam teaches "freedom of religion" or "freedom of expression" or "democracy" or "pacifism" or "legal apostasy."

But that is your honor -- firmness upon fundamentals, never abandoning principles, and relying upon your Lord.

So be firm, holding on to fiery coals... Keep your intention firm... and stay firm until your Lord grants you certainty and death.

"If he became distressed, he placed his determination in front of his eyes.
And put aside the mention of any results.
He only consulted himself in his matter
And he only accepted his sword for a companion.
I will wash myself of shame, with the sword
Winning only what Allah has decreed for me to win.
My possessions look humble to me.
If my right hand bends back while achieving my request. "


Blogger green-birds said...

asSalaamu 3laykum wa ra7matuAllaah,
this post is for black lion


2:32 PM  
Blogger AnonyMouse said...

Masha'Allah, BEAUTIFUL post!!! :)

4:20 PM  
Blogger green-birds said...

:D thanks

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam alaykum wa rahmatullah.

This almost brought even me to tears. Normally, it's only seeing harm come to kids or women that even comes close. This was moving. And may Allah furstrate the wicked oppressors such that never take this lion alive to be caged or take his faith through torture.

May Allah make us distinct from the disbelievers, a source of frustration for the wicked, and a comfort to the oppressed. May our cries be gunshots to the murderers' chests, our tears their blood running as they bleed to death.

Thank you, Green Birds.

8:10 AM  
Blogger green-birds said...

wa 3laykum asSalaam wa ra7matuAllaahi wa barakaatuh, ameeen! ur welcome black lion :D

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mentality that a small group is saved and the rest of the ummah is doomed to hell has got to go...get a life!

indeed Allah azza wa jall says that a small 'group" of people will always stand up for truth but that doesn't legitimize a cult like/sect like mentality.

The fact is that the small group that calls to truth does so by calling the rest of the ummah to a more proper understandig in a way that they assimilate their teachings into the ummah.

You cannot make the whole ummah to a "small group" rather the small group has to assimilate with in ummah....

nabi sall Allahu alayhi wassalm said that my ummah will never be united upon "error"...just remember that......

9:00 AM  
Blogger green-birds said...

ok ulloo face, i wasnt saying a small group is saved etc. or condemning everyone else to hell, i was just putting a certain group of ppl on a pedestal, and kind of praising them thats all so EXTRA calm down!

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem mashaAllah. May Allah guide us all to Jannah and keep the muslim ummah strong, ameen!

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ibn Al-Bakistanee, why are you beating her up? She didn't make a claim to a small group having salvation, she just gave credit to the ones that are willing to be called strangers, that's all. Relax, no one's out to brand you a kafir, at least not by default.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, Green-Birds, when will you be posting again?

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im chill homie...and yeh btw you don't become a stranger because you label yourself one.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yall getting all pumped up for nothing

im thinking about saving alot of money on my car insurace with geico

11:44 AM  
Blogger green-birds said...


9:34 PM  

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